
Where we break down smart investing strategies to help you build lasting wealth...

    Buying & Managing Real Estate – Lessons I’ve Learned From 2020
    Buying & Managing Real Estate – Lessons I’ve Learned From 2020
    Saying that 2020 was a challenging year is a major understatement, considering what we’ve all experienced doing the past year. When the COVI...
    The 7 Most Impacted Markets by Asking Rent Increases & Decreases
    The 7 Most Impacted Markets by Asking Rent Increases & Decreases
    The economy has taken some serious hits from the impact of the pandemic. However, just like in any market cycle, how investors react to the ...
    The 5 Best & Worst Real Estate Markets for Total Returns in 2020
    The 5 Best & Worst Real Estate Markets for Total Returns in 2020
    Given that this year has been unprecedented, the impact for real estate investors was not clear in the first months of the pandemic. However...
    The 3 Biggest Misconceptions When Investing in Real Estate During the Pandemic
    The 3 Biggest Misconceptions When Investing in Real Estate During the Pandemic
    When talking with passive investors and sponsors I hear a lot of misconceptions about how the current pandemic is affecting different proper...
    Inside the Crystal Ball: Multifamily Predictions for 2021
    Inside the Crystal Ball: Multifamily Predictions for 2021
    Well, if you’ve been following my blog so far, you already know what I am about to tell you: there is no crystal ball when it comes to inves...
    Top 3 Macro Forces Impacting Real Estate Investing
    Top 3 Macro Forces Impacting Real Estate Investing
    Just as nobody could foresee the pandemic that started in March of 2020, nobody could predict the many changes that happened in the country,...
    The State of The Multifamily Market Right Now
    The State of The Multifamily Market Right Now
    The 2020 calendar saw its last page turn and everyone, without exception, was happy to say goodbye to a year that nobody wants to remember. ...
    Current Real Estate Investment Trends in Family Offices & Why They’re Important
    Current Real Estate Investment Trends in Family Offices & Why They’re Important
    Since the worldwide pandemic hit in March of 2020, multifamily investors have been monitoring all types of trends and opinions in order to h...
    Top 7 Leading & Trailing Markets for Employment Recovery
    Top 7 Leading & Trailing Markets for Employment Recovery
    Lately, we’ve seen employment splashed across headlines nationwide, as the struggling rates for employment recovery have painted a challengi...